Saturday, June 17, 2006

Paul Accused of Crimes and Betrayed by Life Jackets?

I believe Paul’s last return to Jerusalem put James and the elders in a bad spot because their members were ready to stone him (Acts21:22) because “Anyone refusing to obey the law...punished bydeath” (Ezra 7:26)
Teaching against the law was more serious than not obeying the law.
If Jewish Christians stoned Paul, would the Jerusalem church lose control of the Christian Gentiles who considered Paul their hero? Paul met with them on the second day of his return, which gave them one day to develop a plan.
If they could get Paul in the hands of the high priest, their problem would be solved. Paul had escaped death from the high priest. (Acts 9:23-25)
They must have reached an agreement in a previous meeting since the charges and solution were made in one statement.
They listened a long time while Paul told what God had done among the Gentiles and they praised God. I’m sure it made Paul feel that he was among friends who had only his best interest at heart. They gave him good news:
(Acts 21:20-22) “You know, dear brother, [then the facts of how many people were against his teachings.] how many thousands of Jews have also believed, and they are all very insistent that Jewish Christians must continue to follow the Jewish traditions and customs. [then the bad news of charges carrying a death penalty] Our Jewish Christians...have been told [probably by them] that you are against the laws of Moses.. customs...forbid the circumcision of their children... [couldn’t be Jews] Now what can be done? [Pretending?] For they will certainly hear you have come.”

Paul’s life was in danger. How angry are people when you mess with what they think is their children’s salvation?
With the same breath that charged him of crimes, the elders had a solution: (FOR WHO?)
“We suggest this: we have four men... Go with them to the temple and pay for their heads to be shaved."

[Paul would come nearing going with a group. They were clever to stay on Paul’s side. They knew with the aid of God, he had raised the dead. (Acts 20:10) and turned a man blind. (Acts 13:11) They didn’t want Paul asking to speak to the church. He might convince them:
“Abraham is the spiritual father of those who believe and are saved without obeying Jewish laws...those who do not keep these rules are justified by God through faith.” “So God’s blessings are given to us by faith, as a free gift; we are certain to get them whether or not we follow Jewish customs.” (Romans 4:11, 16)]

Then everyone will know...that you obey the Jewish law and are in line with our thinking.

Paul’s thinking was not theirs: “...Christians--false ones really--who came to spy on us to see what freedom we enjoyed in Christ, as to whether we obeyed the Jewish laws or not. They tried to get us all tied up in their rules...but we did not listen to them...we did not want to confuse you into thinking that salvation can be obeying Jewish laws.” (Gal. 2:4,5)
They saved their best reason for last.

"As for as the Gentile Christians, we aren’t asking them to follow these Jewish customs at all...” (Acts 21:23-25)

[Pressure...Paul wasn’t a Gentile.]The high priest had plotted Paul’s death for years. Forty menvowed not to eat of drink until they killed him, Acts 23:11 but that’s where they sent him.
His blood couldn’t be traced to their hands. Since the local’s couldn’t recognize Paul with his head shaved for six days, how did strangers recognize him?
Maybe they hadsome help?...This is the last day of Paul’s vows, so tell someonethat won’t recognize you and will leave town.
“...some Jews from Turkey...roused a mob against him...This is the man who...tells everybody to disobey the Jewish laws.” (Acts 21:27,28)
Since “All Jerusalem was in an uproar” Acts 21:30, wouldn’t most of the estimated 50,000 Jewish Christians be there to see the man who forbid the circumcision of their children?

The deep silence that started in Acts 22:2 remained while Paul preached Jesus. These Christians must have resented Gentiles not having to obey all their laws, and yelled with non-Christians when Paul said, “God sent him to the voice...kill him! He isn’t fit to live!” (Acts22:21,22)
Paul was victim of the deepest hatred in the world...religious hatred. The devil is on the side of men that persecute.


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